I love sweet... and I love salty... Put them together and I'm a happy girl!!
A picture says a thousand words and I don't think you need that many to see that this is an easy snack to put together! There are many different variations all over pinterest, but I found my inspiration here.
Mini Pretzels (I used the snaps, shaped like squares)
Hershey Kisses Hugs (I used kisses and hugs)
Candy Corn
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or foil. Place pretzels on cookie sheet, not touching. Unwrap Hershey's Kisses (the most time consuming step of the whole process) and place on top of pretzels. Place filled cookie sheet in oven. Bake for 3-5 minutes but no longer. You will know they are ready when the Hershey Kisses start to get shiny. Take out of oven and gently place candy corn on top of Hershey Kisses, pushing down gently. Cool and then transfer to serving platter or wrap up as gifts. Your fridge will come in handy to speed the cooling process.